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SVdP Neighbor In Need - July


Recently, OLA SVDP was contacted by a young lady asking for assistance. She moved here from out of state and was searching for a job. She is 23. She has a college degree. She could not find a job. She is estranged from her family. She was working part-time as a DoorDash delivery person. She could not afford rent.

When members of our team visited her, we discovered that she was very careful with her money and knew exactly how much she needed to budget to pay her bills. She had been able to live on a really tight budget limiting expenses to minimum.

In spite of her frugality, she just could not make her rent payment until she found a job. We were able to speak with her about her history, her needs and options.

We prayed with her. Between the time we spoke with her on the phone to gather initial information and our visit in person she received a job offer. We were able to subsidize her ability to make her rent by paying that amount to her landlord directly. She started her job. We were able to bridge that gap. Thanks be to God!

Your monthly contributions to our ministry enable our volunteers to help neighbors in need every week. Thank you.

Also, our ministry is always seeking new volunteers. If you have an interest please contact Steve Conway at or Frances Rodriguez at

Donate to the good works of St. Vincent de Paul:



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