Meeting/ Event
Scheduling Request
Only Ministry Leaders can request space usage.
As a Ministry Leader you are responsible for adhering to the procedures set forth in our Ministry Leader Handbook in regard to meeting/event planning and implementation.
Space User Agreement forms are required for ALL bookings. See below to download the forms.
Click here to access the Ministry Leader Handbook and all required forms.
Please review the guidelines below before filling out your request:
Note: Liturgical Events and Holy Days of Obligation have priority. (See List Below)
If you have any questions about availability of space, please contact our Anne Stephens at astephens@olachurch.org
Anne is the only one who can schedule your event.
You will be sent a confirmation email once your event has been entered into the main calendar. Your event is not confirmed until you have received this email.
Setup needs and any special requests must be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance of your meeting or event for planning purposes. OLA Facilities personnel will assist with setups as they are able.
NOTE: Small events/meetings in the School buildings-outside doors will be opened for only 45 minutes from the start/setup time that you indicate, and then will lock.
If you need to schedule an event after the Spring Calendar meeting/input it may take up to 10 business days to have your event approved and scheduled.
For additional information, please see the Ministry Handbook.
If you need a bulletin announcement to promote your event, please contact our Communications Director at astephens@olachurch.org at least a SIX WEEKS in advance from the actual event date. Please note: The event must be approved and scheduled before it can be advertised.
If you need an announcement made at Mass, please contact Jake Mappes, Director of Music & Liturgy at jmappes@olachurch.org.
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Friday, August 15, 2025
All Saints Day - Saturday, November 1, 2025
Immacuate Conception - Monday, December 8, 2025
Christmas - Thursday, December 25, 2025
Mary, Mother of God - Thursday, January 1, 2026
Ash Wednesday - Wednesday, February 18, 2026
Easter - Sunday, April 5, 2026
The Forms Below MUST be turned in to the Parish Office at LEAST 2 weeks prior to the date of the event/meeting.
Space User Agreement (Chanel Center, School Library, Upper Room, and Youth Room)
Space User Agreement (Marist Hall)
Space Usere Agreement and Kitchen Check List (Marist Hall)
​Spce User Agreement (Moylan Hall)
Space User Agreement (Murray Center/Gym)
Space User Agreement (The Upper Room)
Recurring Meeting/Event
Request Form
This form can only be filled out by parish ministry leaders recognized as leaders by the parish office.