Ministry Leader Procedures
A Letter from our Pastor and Parish Pastoral Council Chair
Dear Ministry Leaders,
Thank you for serving the community of Our Lady of the Assumption. Our parish is blessed by your willingness to use your gifts and abilities, which strengthen us as a parish community, as we work together towards our mission and vision.
We invite you to reflect on our mission often: Through Worship, Education, and Service we continue to grow in our relationship with God and one another through Jesus Christ, in the spirit of Mary, our Patroness. Like Mary we are called to continually grow closer to Christ and to bring others along as we grow in faith.
Focus on this vision in our daily and ministerial lives can help keep us grounded, especially in our busy lives. In all we do, as we keep God as part of our journey – through prayer and discernment – may we know His will for us and the parish.
OLA is a multipurpose facility built through the generosity of the parishioners and others moved by the Holy Spirit over these past 70+ years. The great sacrifices made by contributors, such as yourself, place a responsibility on those who use the facility to do so in a respectful way. We ask that you care for our facilities as if it were your home.
This handbook is designed to be a resource for you, as you run your ministries and use the facilities for gatherings. In this booklet, you will find information to help you navigate leading your ministry.
General guidelines for the campus can be found at Appendix A of this document. This handbook and all forms can be downloaded from the links below.
The OLA Staff and Pastoral Council are here to serve you. Please feel free to reach out to us anytime.
Father Jim Duffy, SM Lawrence Lee
Pastor Chair, Parish Pastoral Council
Click here to Download the
Ministry Leader Handbook
Download Important Forms Below
Click here to download General Campus Guidelines
A MUST read!
Click here to download Emergency Procedures.
Meetings, Events, Recognitions, and Fundraisers
Finances and Budgets
Events Serving Alcohol
Accident/Injurty Report