Music Ministry
Music Ministry At OLA
The Music Ministry at OLA serves at all the weekend Masses and on Holy Days of Obligation. Its mission is to create a warm, welcoming, and educational environment for any individual searching for a way to give back to the church and serve during liturgies. Through the gift of music, the members of this ministry share their talents with the congregations each weekend to create and enhance worshipful, powerful, and prayerful moments of the Mass.
Adult Choir
This choir minister primarily at the Sunday 11:30am Liturgy as well as Major Feasts and Solemnities. Rehearsal and warmup begin promptly at 11:00am in the upstairs music room.
Contact Jake Mappes, Director of Music & Liturgy (jmappes@olachurch.org) for more information.
Adult Cantors
Cantors are individuals who serve as a music leader in Mass by singing the hymns and the psalm.
Contact Jake Mappes, Director of Music & Liturgy (jmappes@olachurch.org) for more information.
Life Teen Choir (6th Grade and Older)
All adults and teens 6th grade and up are invited to participate in the Life Teen Band and Choir that leads music at the 5:30pm Sunday Mass each week. With an emphasis on modern praise and worship music as well as contemporary arrangements of classic hymns, Rehearsals begin promptly at 4:30pm, either in the upstairs music room.
Teens alone sing at the 5:30pm Mass one Sunday a month. Teens can learn more and register by clicking here.
Contact Jake Mappes, Director of Music & Liturgy (jmappes@olachurch.org) for more information.
Children's Choir (1st Grade - 5th Grade)
All 1st through 5th grade school students are invited to join the OLA Children’s Choir! This choir sings 1-2 times per month at the 9am Mass.
Rehearsals are held on Mondays from 4-5pm in the Choir Room (2nd floor of church). OLA School students are collected by a Safe Environment trained individual at the end of carpool at 3:35pm. A snack and games are provided until rehearsal begins.
Click here to be an adult volunteer.
Click here to register your child.
Contact Jake Mappes, Director of Music & Liturgy (jmappes@olachurch.org) for more information.
Children's Choir
Adult Choir Music Ministry