In the late spring our OLA SVDP conference was given a $5K allotment from Dekalb County via the SVDP Council to use to help Dekalb neighbors in need facing imminent eviction to pay rent or other bills to avoid the eviction. Using your donations (about $1600) as well as these allotted Dekalb monies, during May and June we were able to zero out overdue rents and utilities for 3 different families. All 3 families lived in our immediate area and all parents were working.
We thank you for your continued support of our ministry and we hope that Dekalb County will provide more funding for this same effort later this summer as clearly there is a great need.
We welcome your donations at https://secure.etransfer.com/EFT/custom/ola/BlockCodeEvent_v2/payment1.cfm?d2org=OLAChurch&d2tool=Donate or during our monthly collection at Mass.
If you are interested in joining our SVDP ministry please contact Steve Conway at steveconway63@gmail.com