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Join us for a Plastic Free July!


How’s Your Plastic Free July Going?

Join OLA’s Care for Creation Ministry and 100 million people worldwide and commit to being Plastic Free for the whole month. Plastic Free July® is a global movement that encourages all of us to be part of the solution to plastic pollution, so we can have clean streets, oceans, and communities.

 The Plastic Free Foundation has created a challenge to not use single-use plastic for 31 days. Take the challenge by signing up at We are also asked by Pope Francis in Laudato Si, to live our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience.


Begin on July 1st by shopping with reusable bags - be plastic-free AND save money! On July 4th host a plastic-free celebration! Continue with ideas on that you’ll find posted daily on our parish Facebook and Instagram pages. 


After the month is over, you’ll have 31 ways to eliminate plastic from daily life. Continue by implementing the 3 R’s: Reduce-Reuse-Recycle. Reduce what you buy. Before you make a purchase, ask yourself if you truly need it, or if you can repurpose other items that you already have. Shopping for secondhand clothing and products helps contribute to less waste. Avoid products that are wrapped in plastic, and seek more sustainable alternatives.


Our Parish Care for Creation ministry offers worship, education and service activities to promote and reflect stewardship for “our common home” as Pope Francis refers to Planet Earth in his 2015 Encyclical Laudato Si. Through this stewardship with aspire to grow our relationship with God and one another through Jesus Christ.


Interested in learning more about Laudato Si or the Care for Creation Ministry? Email us at






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