Dear Parents of Young Singers,
As you have hopefully heard, the OLA's Children's Choir will resume in time for the 4:00pm Christmas Eve Mass! The choir will begin singing semi-regularly at the Sunday 9:00am Mass starting in 2023.
All children in 1st - 5th grades are welcome to join us - regardless of experience level! The choir promises to be a fun and educational opportunity to learn and grow as young musicians while serving the community in this vibrant and integral parish ministry. I am excited to say that almost 30 kids have already shown an interest in participating!
Rehearsals will be on Mondays from 4:00pm-5:00pm starting this Monday, November 7. This was the day requested by most who have registered and helps avoid conflicts with the OLA School's Christmas Program. Any OLA students will be taken over to the church after carpool ends at 3:35 for a snack and some social time before practice begins.
We will have only 5 rehearsals leading up to Christmas Eve Mass, starting next week, meaning that punctual attendance is required and of the upmost importance. Please click here for the schedule.
Tomorrow, Sunday, November 6th, is the last day to sign up for your child to participate in the Christmas Eve Mass Choir. Please sign up at
Adult Volunteers Needed. Lastly, to comply with Archdiocesan policies and mandates, we are in need of one adult volunteer each week to sit in on rehearsals. We are also asking that adult volunteers sign up to provide a snack for any of the OLA students that will have some extra time between the end of carpool at 3:35pm and rehearsal at 4pm.
Contact me at to learn how you can help. (This would be a great way for OLA School parents to fulfill the volunteer requirements for Active Parishioner Status.)
Remember, the Children’s Choir CANNOT happen unless we abide by this important rule set by the Archdiocese, so many thanks in advance for your willingness to assist.
That is all for now; if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I am so looking forward to working with you and your children in the coming weeks!
Thank you,
Jake Mappes
Director of Music