On Sunday, January 7th the Church celebrates the Feast of the Epiphany. Chalking our front
doors at Epiphany with “20+C+B+M+24” marks our homes as we ask God’s blessing upon those who live, work, or visit throughout the coming year. It is as sign that we invite God and His blessing into our home.
The numbers refer to the current year. The letters (C+M+B) refer to the three kings - Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar. They can also represent “Christus Manionem Benedicat” which means, “May Christ bless this dwelling!”
Here’s how you can celebrate the Epiphany at home by chalking your door:
Leader: Peace be to this house, and to all who enter here. All: Amen.
Pray: God of heaven and earth, you revealed your only-begotten One to every nation by the guidance of a star. Bless this house and all who inhabit it. Fill us with the light of Christ, that our concern for others may reflect your love. We ask this through Christ our Savior. Amen.
Using chalk, make the following inscription above the outside of the door: “20+C=M+B+24.
Leader (this should be said while the inscription is being made):
The three Wise Men, [C] Caspar, [M] Melchior, [B] and Balthasar followed the star to Bethlehem and the child Jesus [20] two thousand, [24] and twenty-three years ago. May Christ bless our home, and remain with us throughout the new year. Amen.
All present say the Lord’s Prayer together.