"Lent stimulates us to let the Word of God penetrate our life and in this way to know the fundamental truth: who we are, where we come from, where we must go, what path we must take in life..."
- Pope Benedict XVI
Wednesday Lenten Masses
Wednesdays | 5:30pm | Church
Our Wednesday Lenten evening Masses are the perfect time to stop and reconnect with your faith during the busy week. Please join us.
There will be no Wednesday Mass during Holy Week.

Parish Reconciliation Service
Wednesday, March 19th | 7pm
The faithful listen together to the word of God, which proclaims His mercy and invites them to conversion. After a period of reflection, all are invited to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Several Marist priests will be available to hear confession.
It is not unusual for one to be nervous about going into the Sacrament of Reconciliation so here is some great information to help you through:
Deacon Bill Kester's beautiful homily on Reconcilation,
An Examination of Conscience, and
Celebrating the Sacrament - Meeting with the Priest.
Several Marists will be available to hear confessions.
Adoration will end at 5pm.
Private Reconciliation
Saturday, 4-4:30pm or by appointment
Stations of the Cross
Fridays During Lent | 7pm | Church
Beginning March 7th
The Stations of the Cross, also known as the Way of the Cross or Via Crucis, commemorate Jesus's passion and death on the cross. There are 14 stations that each depict a moment on his journey to Calvary, usually through sacred art, prayers, and reflections. The practice began as pious pilgrims traced his path through Jerusalem on the Via Dolorosa.

Fish Fries
Fridays During Lent | 6-7pm | Marist Hall
Beginning Friday, March 7th
There will be NO Fish Fry on March 14
The all-you-can-eat menu includes: baked and fried cod, fried catfish, mac & cheese, coleslaw, hush puppies, fries, salad, lemonade, water - and cheese pizza for the picky eaters out there!
Please join us on Friday from 6-7pm before heading over to church for the Stations of the Cross.
Due to archdiocese policy, alcohol is not allowed at this event so please, NO BYOB.
Lenten Soup Suppers
with the Marists
March 19th & 26th, and April 2nd | 6pm | Marist Hall
You are invited to join our Marsits for a simple, yet delicious, Lenten meal of soup and bread.
This meal is free, but donations will be accepted to cover costs. Any extra donations will be sent to the Interfaith Outreach Home.
Please join us after the 5:30pm Mass!